Module max_ard.ard_collection
Collection objects representing stored ARD data
- Connect to local or cloud ARD tiles
- Filter collections of tiles
- Furter iterate over collection of tiles spatially or temporally
- Pythonic access of ARD images and masks
SDK Ordering Tutorial
>>> collection = ARDCollection('bucket/prefix')
>>> for tile in collection.tiles:
print tile.cell.bounds
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"""Collection objects representing stored ARD data
1. Connect to local or cloud ARD tiles
2. Filter collections of tiles
3. Furter iterate over collection of tiles spatially or temporally
4. Pythonic access of ARD images and masks
SDK Ordering Tutorial
>>> collection = ARDCollection('bucket/prefix')
>>> for tile in collection.tiles:
print tile.cell.bounds
import json
import os
import re
import warnings
from datetime import date, datetime
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
from posixpath import join as urljoin
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from fsspec import filesystem
from fsspec.implementations.local import LocalFileSystem
from fsspec.spec import AbstractFileSystem
from maxar_ard_grid import Cell, covers
from shapely.geometry import GeometryCollection, box, mapping, shape
from max_ard.base_collections import BaseCollection
from max_ard.dependency_support import HAS_FIONA, HAS_RASTERIO
from max_ard.exceptions import MissingDependency, NotFinished
from max_ard.order import Order
from max_ard.processing import COGReader, read_windows, write_windows
# Optional dependencies
import rasterio
import fiona
class ARDTile:
"""Represents an ARD Tile - the images and vectors from one acquistion in one grid cell
These objects have dynamic accessors for assets - calling the asset name (with underscores substituted
for dashes) is the same as calling `ARDTile.open_asset(<name>)`.
Example: `ARDTile.visual` returns a Rasterio dataset reader of the `visual` raster asset.
Vector assets can also be accessed "inverted" by prefixing `no_` to the asset name.
Example: `ARDTile.no_cloud_mask` will return the geometry of areas *not* covered by clouds.
# matching regexes
# don't be a smartass and combine them
# matches quadkeys
CELL_REGEX = re.compile(r"[/-](\d{2})[-/]([0123]{12})[/-]")
# matches regular catalog IDs
CAT_ID_REGEX = re.compile(r"10[1-6][0AC][0-9A-F]{3}0[0-9A-F]{6}00", re.I)
# matches WV4 catIDs (UUID v4)
WV4_REGEX = re.compile(
r"([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}-inv)", re.I
# matches dates yyyy-mm-dd
DATE_REGEX = re.compile(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}")
def __init__(self) -> None: = None #: date of cell
#: acquisition ID
self.acq_id = None
self.quadkey = None
""" ARD Grid quadkey of the tile's cell """ = None
""" UTM zone of the tile """
def properties(self) -> dict:
"""metadata of the ARD tile"""
return self.stac_item["properties"]
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
if name == "clouds":
warnings.warn("clouds attribute should be accessed with ARDTile.cloud_mask")
return self.open_asset("cloud-mask")
elif name == "extent":
warnings.warn("extent attribute should be accessed with ARDTile.data_mask")
return self.open_asset("data-mask")
elif name == "nodata":
warnings.warn("clouds attribute should be accessed with ARDTile.no_data_mask")
return shape(self.cell).difference(self.data_mask)
elif name.startswith("no_"):
asset_name = name.split("_", 1)[1].replace("_", "-")
source = getattr(self, asset_name)
raise AttributeError(
f"Attribute {name} is not spatial so it can't be flipped with 'no_'"
if name == "no_data_mask":
return box(*self.visual.bounds).difference(source)
return self.data_mask.difference(source)
# workaround for the analytic assets that are underscored already
if name == "ms_analytic" or name == "pan_analytic":
asset_name = name
asset_name = name.replace("_", "-")
if asset_name in self.asset_paths:
return self.open_asset(asset_name)
raise AttributeError(f"Attribute .{name} not found")
def cell(self) -> Cell:
"""The ARD Grid cell of the tile"""
return Cell(self.quadkey,
def from_doc(cls, fs: AbstractFileSystem, path: str):
Create an ARDTile object from a path to any of a tile's files.
fs : fsspec.AbstractFileSystem
a `filesystem` object used to read files.
path : str
a path to any file in a tile.
tile = cls()
tile.fs = fs
# zone and quadkey
matches = = matches[1]
tile.quadkey = matches[2]
# cat ID
matches =
if matches is None:
matches =
tile.acq_id = matches[0]
# date
matches = = matches[0]
except IndexError:
# use index error to find when we can't match a needed field
raise ValueError("Non-conforming data found, please contact")
# prefixes for opening files with gdal/ogr
if "s3" in tile.fs.protocol:
tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsis3/"
elif "gs" in tile.fs.protocol:
tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsigs/"
elif "abfs" in tile.fs.protocol:
tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsiaz/"
tile.gdal_prefix = ""
# rebuild the path from properties
# might be overkill
base_prefix = path.split(f"/{}/{tile.quadkey}")[0]
base_prefix = urljoin(base_prefix,, tile.quadkey)
# legacy canvas
if is not None:
base_prefix = urljoin(base_prefix,
"Legacy Canvas file path without date - this will not be supported in the future"
tile.base_prefix = base_prefix
return tile
def stac_item(self) -> dict:
item = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}.json"
with as f:
return json.load(f)
class AssetPaths(dict):
"""A dictionary that warns when old asset names are called
The names will get deprecated at some point"""
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == "clouds":
'The "clouds" asset has been renamed to "cloud-mask", please update your call'
if key == "extent":
'The "extent" asset has been renamed to "data-mask", please update your call'
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
def asset_paths(self) -> AssetPaths:
# TODO set a way to specify this so we don't have to check the stac every time
# given a homogenous dataset
assets = ARDTile.AssetPaths()
# Item isn't a true STAC asset but we treat it as an asset of the ARDTile
# we could also treat this as "self" but that's not as clear
assets["item"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}.json"
# once STAC sample data is fixed, we can pull the assets from the Item
# then we can add new assets without updating the SDK
stac_assets = self.stac_item["assets"]
# old non-relative links
if stac_assets["visual"]["href"].startswith("s3://"):
assets["visual"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-visual.tif"
assets["pan"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-pan.tif"
assets["ms"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-ms.tif"
assets["cloud-mask"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-cloud-mask.gpkg"
assets["data-mask"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-data-mask.gpkg"
# use stac asset hrefs
for name, asset in stac_assets.items():
if type(self.fs) == LocalFileSystem:
assets[name] = str(Path(self.base_prefix) / Path(asset["href"]))
assets[name] = str(PurePosixPath(self.base_prefix) / Path(asset["href"]))
# legacy naming
assets["clouds"] = assets["cloud-mask"]
except KeyError:
assets["extent"] = assets["data-mask"]
except KeyError:
return assets
def __repr__(self):
return f"<ARDTile of {self.acq_id} at z{}-{self.quadkey}>"
# there's a small speed boost plus some cost savings with GETs by caching
# asset fetching
def open_asset(self, name):
Open an asset by name, where `name` is a key in the STAC Item assets
For information on the asset files see
To open the tile STAC Item itself, use 'item'.
Current values for ARD V3 are:
STAC metadata:
- item
- cloud-mask
- cloud-shadow-mask
- terrain-shadow-mask
- ms-saturation-mask
- data-mask
- visual
- pan
- ms
- clouds
- ms-saturation
- terrain-shadows
- water
Vectors returned will be a single Shapely geometry object, a GeometryCollection of multiple objects, or if
the mask is empty an empty GeometryCollection.
name : str
name of asset to open, see list above
for raster assets or
for vector assets or
for STAC Items (JSON)
asset = self.asset_paths[name]
if asset.endswith("tif"):
raise MissingDependency("Rasterio is required to read ARD rasters")
# return'{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}')
return COGReader(f"{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}")
if asset.endswith("geojson") or asset.endswith("gpkg"):
if not HAS_FIONA:
raise MissingDependency("Fiona is required to access ARD masks as geometries")
with"{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}") as layer:
geom = [shape(f["geometry"]) for f in layer]
if len(geom) == 1:
return geom[0]
elif len(geom) == 0:
return GeometryCollection()
return GeometryCollection(geom)
if asset.endswith("json"):
with as f:
return json.load(f)
def __geo_interface__(self):
"""Python Geospatial Interface of tile's valid pixels"""
return mapping(self.data_mask)
class ARDCollection(BaseCollection):
"""ARDCollections represent collections of S3 tiles. Currently the tiles
can be stored in S3 or locally.
path : str
Path to S3 prefix or STAC collection.
aoi : shapely.geometry or str, optional
Limit to finding tiles that cover this AOI, can be shapely geometry or most textual representations.
acq_id_in : iterable of str, optional
Limit to finding tiles from these acquisitions.
zone_in : iterable of int, optional
Limit to finding tiles in these zones.
earliest_date : str or or datetime.datetime, optional
Limit to finding tiles after this date (strings must be YYYY-MM-DD).
latest_date : str or or datetime.datetime, optional
Limit or finding tiles before this date.
profile : str, optional
AWS Profile to use when tiles are in S3.
public : bool
Access cloud data without authentication (for public buckets).
The following parameters are also settable attributes and will trigger a rescan
def __init__(
path: str,
aoi: Optional[Any] = None,
acq_id_in: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
zone_in: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None,
earliest_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime, date]] = None,
latest_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime, date]] = None,
profile: Optional[str] = None,
public: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> None:
self._dirty = True
self._updating = False
# TODO we may want to normalize AOIs to WGS84
# but right now `covers` is probably capable enough
self.aoi = aoi
# disable authentication for public buckets
# 'anon' is what fsspec calls it but 'public' makes more sense
# however 'anon' can also have implications for Azure so
# we should be able to override it just in case
if "anon" in kwargs:
anon = kwargs["anon"]
# using the recommend Azure connection string access, anon needs to be True
if path.startswith("az"):
anon = True
anon = public
# For GDAL S3 locations we can turn off signing so
# you can have expired credentials
if anon and path.startswith("s3"):
os.environ["AWS_NO_SIGN_REQUEST"] = "YES"
# validate some inputs that have been problematic in the past
assert zone_in is None or all(type(z) == int for z in zone_in), "Zones must be integers"
assert zone_in is None or all(z - 1 in range(60) for z in zone_in), "Invalid zone numbers"
if not zone_in:
zone_in = None
self.zone_in = zone_in
assert acq_id_in is None or all(
type(c) == str for c in acq_id_in
), "Catalog IDs must be strings"
if not acq_id_in:
acq_id_in = None
self.acq_id_in = acq_id_in
# store dates as strings, reformat if needed
def format_date(d):
if d is None:
return None
return d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
assert re.match(
r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", d
), "Dates must be YYYY-MM-DD strings, or date/datetime objects"
return d
self.earliest_date = format_date(earliest_date)
self.latest_date = format_date(latest_date)
# Set up the path and initialize the filesystem source
self.path = path
# this might need to be smarter (os.path?) for windows slashes
if self.path[-1] == "/":
self.path = self.path[:-1]
if os.path.exists(self.path):
self.storage_type = "file"
self.fs_path = os.path.abspath(self.path)
parsed = urlparse(self.path)
if parsed.scheme == "":
raise ValueError("Local path does not exist")
if parsed.scheme not in ["s3", "gs", "az"]:
raise ValueError("Unrecognized protocol (use s3://, gs://, or az://")
self.storage_type = parsed.scheme
# might not need this, s3fs doesn't care about paths leading with protocols
# need to check gdal, etc
self.fs_path = parsed.netloc + parsed.path
if self.storage_type == "az":
# workarounds for to make azure credentials easier to deal with
from import sync_envvars
self.fs = filesystem(self.storage_type, anon=anon, profile=profile)
raise ValueError("Access error: check your path for errors and access permissions")
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
"""Some attributes are read-only properties
Related setters need to reset the collection state"""
if name == "acq_ids":
raise ValueError(".acq_ids is read-only - set .acq_id_in instead")
if name == "zones":
raise ValueError(".zones is read-only - set .zone_in instead")
if name == "start_date":
raise ValueError(".start_date is read-only - set .earliest_date instead")
if name == "acq_ids":
raise ValueError(".end_date is read-only - set .latest_date instead")
if name in ["acq_id_in", "zone_in", "earliest_date", "latest_date", "aoi"]:
# resets the bins
self._dirty = True
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
dirty = object.__getattribute__(self, "_dirty")
updating = object.__getattribute__(self, "_updating")
if (
and not updating
and name
in [
object.__setattr__(self, "_updating", True)
object.__setattr__(self, "_dirty", False)
object.__setattr__(self, "_updating", False)
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<ARDCollection at {self.path}/>"
def _scan_files(self) -> None:
if self.aoi is not None:
cells = set([f"{}/{c.quadkey}" for c in covers(self.aoi)])
cells = []
# STAC source
if self.path.endswith("json"):
with as f:
doc = json.load(f)
# STAC Item
if "type" in doc.keys():
items = [self.path]
# STAC Collection
root_path = self.fs_path.split("order_collections")[0]
items = []
for link in doc["links"]:
if link["rel"] != "child":
path = root_path + link["href"].replace("../", "")
with as f:
links = json.load(f)["links"]
for link in links:
if link["rel"] == "item":
path = root_path + link["href"].replace("../", "")
# Filesystem source
# build leading glob pattern based on zone & quadkey
if self.aoi is not None:
# shard on first 5 digits on quadkey
# for parallel fetches
qkbs = set()
for qk in cells:
paths = [f"{k}*/*/*.json" for k in qkbs]
if not self.zone_in or len(self.zone_in) == 0:
paths = ["*/*/*/*.json"]
paths = [f"{z}/*/*/*.json" for z in self.zone_in]
items = []
for path in paths:
full_path = f"{self.path}/{path}"
for item in self.fs.glob(full_path):
# Filter out items
for item in items:
tile = ARDTile.from_doc(self.fs, item)
if self.aoi is not None:
if f"{}/{tile.quadkey}" not in cells:
if self.acq_id_in is not None and tile.acq_id not in self.acq_id_in:
if self.earliest_date is not None:
if < self.earliest_date:
if self.latest_date is not None:
if > self.latest_date:
def clear_filesystem_cache(self):
Clear the local cache of a remote filesystem
Remote file systems (S3, Azure, Google Cloud) cache files locally for speed.
If the remote files have changed while using an ARDCollectino, you can clear
the cached files so that new files will be loaded.
def from_order(cls, order, **kwargs):
Create an ARDCollection from an order ID.
Accepts all filter keywords as used by class initialization.
order_id : str or Order
Order object or Order ID to open.
Filter keywords as used by class initialization.
if type(order) == str:
order = Order.from_id(order)
if not order.finished:
raise NotFinished
output_config = order.response.order.output_config
if "bucket" in output_config:
bucket = output_config["bucket"]
prefix = output_config["prefix"]
protocol = "s3"
elif "amazon_s3" in output_config:
bucket = output_config["amazon_s3"]["bucket"]
prefix = output_config["amazon_s3"]["prefix"]
protocol = "s3"
elif "google_cloud_storage" in order:
bucket = output_config["google_cloud_storage"]["bucket"]
prefix = output_config["google_cloud_storage"]["prefix"]
protocol = "gs"
elif "azure_blob_storage" in order:
bucket = output_config["azure_blob_storage"]["container"]
prefix = output_config["azure_blob_storage"]["prefix"]
protocol = "az"
path = f"{protocol}://{bucket}/{prefix}/order_collections/{order.order_id}_root_collection.json"
self = cls(path, **kwargs)
return self
def read_windows(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""See `max_ard.processing.read_windows`"""
return read_windows(self, *args, **kwargs)
def write_windows(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""See `max_ard.processing.write_windows`"""
return write_windows(self, *args, **kwargs)
def copy(
collection: ARDCollection, destination: str, flatten: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Copy data from a collection to a local location
collection : ARDCollection
The ARDCollection to copy locally.
destination : str
Local path to copy to.
flatten : bool False
Write files in flat format without subdirectories.
dry_run : bool False
Print the source and destination of files instead of copying.
Path(destination).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for tile in collection.tiles:
paths = tile.asset_paths.copy()
# legacy names
del paths["clouds"]
del paths["extent"]
for path in paths.values():
source = path
target = path.replace(collection.fs_path, "")[1:]
if flatten:
target = urljoin(destination, target.replace("/", "-"))
target = urljoin(destination, target)
if dry_run:
print(source, target)
if not flatten:
Path(target).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
collection.fs.get(source, target)
def copy(collection: ARDCollection, destination: str, flatten: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False) ‑> None
Copy data from a collection to a local location
- The ARDCollection to copy locally.
- Local path to copy to.
:bool False
- Write files in flat format without subdirectories.
:bool False
- Print the source and destination of files instead of copying.
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def copy( collection: ARDCollection, destination: str, flatten: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False ) -> None: """Copy data from a collection to a local location Parameters ---------- collection : ARDCollection The ARDCollection to copy locally. destination : str Local path to copy to. flatten : bool False Write files in flat format without subdirectories. dry_run : bool False Print the source and destination of files instead of copying. Returns ------- None """ Path(destination).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for tile in collection.tiles: paths = tile.asset_paths.copy() # legacy names try: del paths["clouds"] del paths["extent"] except: pass for path in paths.values(): source = path target = path.replace(collection.fs_path, "")[1:] if flatten: target = urljoin(destination, target.replace("/", "-")) else: target = urljoin(destination, target) if dry_run: print(source, target) else: if not flatten: Path(target).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) collection.fs.get(source, target)
class ARDCollection (path: str, aoi: Optional[Any] = None, acq_id_in: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, zone_in: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, earliest_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime,, None] = None, latest_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime,, None] = None, profile: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs)
ARDCollections represent collections of S3 tiles. Currently the tiles can be stored in S3 or locally.
- Path to S3 prefix or STAC collection.
, optional- Limit to finding tiles that cover this AOI, can be shapely geometry or most textual representations.
, optional- Limit to finding tiles from these acquisitions.
, optional- Limit to finding tiles in these zones.
, optional- Limit to finding tiles after this date (strings must be YYYY-MM-DD).
, optional- Limit or finding tiles before this date.
, optional- AWS Profile to use when tiles are in S3.
- Access cloud data without authentication (for public buckets).
The following parameters are also settable attributes and will trigger a rescan
Expand source code
class ARDCollection(BaseCollection): """ARDCollections represent collections of S3 tiles. Currently the tiles can be stored in S3 or locally. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to S3 prefix or STAC collection. aoi : shapely.geometry or str, optional Limit to finding tiles that cover this AOI, can be shapely geometry or most textual representations. acq_id_in : iterable of str, optional Limit to finding tiles from these acquisitions. zone_in : iterable of int, optional Limit to finding tiles in these zones. earliest_date : str or or datetime.datetime, optional Limit to finding tiles after this date (strings must be YYYY-MM-DD). latest_date : str or or datetime.datetime, optional Limit or finding tiles before this date. profile : str, optional AWS Profile to use when tiles are in S3. public : bool Access cloud data without authentication (for public buckets). The following parameters are also settable attributes and will trigger a rescan Attributes ---------- path aoi acq_id_in zone_in earliest_date latest_date """ def __init__( self, path: str, aoi: Optional[Any] = None, acq_id_in: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, zone_in: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, earliest_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime, date]] = None, latest_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime, date]] = None, profile: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: self._dirty = True self._updating = False super().__init__() # TODO we may want to normalize AOIs to WGS84 # but right now `covers` is probably capable enough self.aoi = aoi # disable authentication for public buckets # 'anon' is what fsspec calls it but 'public' makes more sense # however 'anon' can also have implications for Azure so # we should be able to override it just in case if "anon" in kwargs: anon = kwargs["anon"] else: # using the recommend Azure connection string access, anon needs to be True if path.startswith("az"): anon = True else: anon = public # For GDAL S3 locations we can turn off signing so # you can have expired credentials if anon and path.startswith("s3"): os.environ["AWS_NO_SIGN_REQUEST"] = "YES" # validate some inputs that have been problematic in the past assert zone_in is None or all(type(z) == int for z in zone_in), "Zones must be integers" assert zone_in is None or all(z - 1 in range(60) for z in zone_in), "Invalid zone numbers" if not zone_in: zone_in = None self.zone_in = zone_in assert acq_id_in is None or all( type(c) == str for c in acq_id_in ), "Catalog IDs must be strings" if not acq_id_in: acq_id_in = None self.acq_id_in = acq_id_in # store dates as strings, reformat if needed def format_date(d): if d is None: return None try: return d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") except: assert re.match( r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", d ), "Dates must be YYYY-MM-DD strings, or date/datetime objects" return d self.earliest_date = format_date(earliest_date) self.latest_date = format_date(latest_date) # Set up the path and initialize the filesystem source self.path = path # this might need to be smarter (os.path?) for windows slashes if self.path[-1] == "/": self.path = self.path[:-1] if os.path.exists(self.path): self.storage_type = "file" self.fs_path = os.path.abspath(self.path) else: parsed = urlparse(self.path) if parsed.scheme == "": raise ValueError("Local path does not exist") if parsed.scheme not in ["s3", "gs", "az"]: raise ValueError("Unrecognized protocol (use s3://, gs://, or az://") self.storage_type = parsed.scheme # might not need this, s3fs doesn't care about paths leading with protocols # need to check gdal, etc self.fs_path = parsed.netloc + parsed.path if self.storage_type == "az": # workarounds for to make azure credentials easier to deal with from import sync_envvars sync_envvars() self.fs = filesystem(self.storage_type, anon=anon, profile=profile) try: except: raise ValueError("Access error: check your path for errors and access permissions") def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Some attributes are read-only properties Related setters need to reset the collection state""" if name == "acq_ids": raise ValueError(".acq_ids is read-only - set .acq_id_in instead") if name == "zones": raise ValueError(".zones is read-only - set .zone_in instead") if name == "start_date": raise ValueError(".start_date is read-only - set .earliest_date instead") if name == "acq_ids": raise ValueError(".end_date is read-only - set .latest_date instead") if name in ["acq_id_in", "zone_in", "earliest_date", "latest_date", "aoi"]: # resets the bins self._dirty = True object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __getattribute__(self, name): dirty = object.__getattribute__(self, "_dirty") updating = object.__getattribute__(self, "_updating") if ( dirty and not updating and name in [ "tiles", "acquisitions", "acquisition_ids", "stacks", "cells", "get_stack", "get_acquisition", "dates", "earliest_date", "latest_date", "zones", "read_windows", "write_windows", ] ): object.__setattr__(self, "_updating", True) self._scan_files() object.__setattr__(self, "_dirty", False) object.__setattr__(self, "_updating", False) return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ARDCollection at {self.path}/>" def _scan_files(self) -> None: self._reset() if self.aoi is not None: cells = set([f"{}/{c.quadkey}" for c in covers(self.aoi)]) else: cells = [] # STAC source if self.path.endswith("json"): with as f: doc = json.load(f) # STAC Item if "type" in doc.keys(): items = [self.path] # STAC Collection else: root_path = self.fs_path.split("order_collections")[0] items = [] for link in doc["links"]: if link["rel"] != "child": continue path = root_path + link["href"].replace("../", "") with as f: links = json.load(f)["links"] for link in links: if link["rel"] == "item": path = root_path + link["href"].replace("../", "") items.append(path) # Filesystem source else: # build leading glob pattern based on zone & quadkey if self.aoi is not None: # shard on first 5 digits on quadkey # for parallel fetches qkbs = set() for qk in cells: qkbs.add(qk[:5]) paths = [f"{k}*/*/*.json" for k in qkbs] else: if not self.zone_in or len(self.zone_in) == 0: paths = ["*/*/*/*.json"] else: paths = [f"{z}/*/*/*.json" for z in self.zone_in] items = [] for path in paths: full_path = f"{self.path}/{path}" for item in self.fs.glob(full_path): items.append(item) # Filter out items for item in items: tile = ARDTile.from_doc(self.fs, item) if self.aoi is not None: if f"{}/{tile.quadkey}" not in cells: continue if self.acq_id_in is not None and tile.acq_id not in self.acq_id_in: continue if self.earliest_date is not None: if < self.earliest_date: continue if self.latest_date is not None: if > self.latest_date: continue self.add_tile(tile) def clear_filesystem_cache(self): """ Clear the local cache of a remote filesystem Remote file systems (S3, Azure, Google Cloud) cache files locally for speed. If the remote files have changed while using an ARDCollectino, you can clear the cached files so that new files will be loaded. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.fs.clear_instance_cache() @classmethod def from_order(cls, order, **kwargs): """ Create an ARDCollection from an order ID. Accepts all filter keywords as used by class initialization. Parameters ---------- order_id : str or Order Order object or Order ID to open. **kwargs Filter keywords as used by class initialization. Returns ------- ARDCollection """ if type(order) == str: order = Order.from_id(order) if not order.finished: raise NotFinished output_config = order.response.order.output_config if "bucket" in output_config: bucket = output_config["bucket"] prefix = output_config["prefix"] protocol = "s3" elif "amazon_s3" in output_config: bucket = output_config["amazon_s3"]["bucket"] prefix = output_config["amazon_s3"]["prefix"] protocol = "s3" elif "google_cloud_storage" in order: bucket = output_config["google_cloud_storage"]["bucket"] prefix = output_config["google_cloud_storage"]["prefix"] protocol = "gs" elif "azure_blob_storage" in order: bucket = output_config["azure_blob_storage"]["container"] prefix = output_config["azure_blob_storage"]["prefix"] protocol = "az" path = f"{protocol}://{bucket}/{prefix}/order_collections/{order.order_id}_root_collection.json" self = cls(path, **kwargs) return self def read_windows(self, *args, **kwargs): """See `max_ard.processing.read_windows`""" return read_windows(self, *args, **kwargs) def write_windows(self, *args, **kwargs): """See `max_ard.processing.write_windows`""" return write_windows(self, *args, **kwargs)
Static methods
def from_order(order, **kwargs)
Create an ARDCollection from an order ID.
Accepts all filter keywords as used by class initialization.
- Order object or Order ID to open.
- Filter keywords as used by class initialization.
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@classmethod def from_order(cls, order, **kwargs): """ Create an ARDCollection from an order ID. Accepts all filter keywords as used by class initialization. Parameters ---------- order_id : str or Order Order object or Order ID to open. **kwargs Filter keywords as used by class initialization. Returns ------- ARDCollection """ if type(order) == str: order = Order.from_id(order) if not order.finished: raise NotFinished output_config = order.response.order.output_config if "bucket" in output_config: bucket = output_config["bucket"] prefix = output_config["prefix"] protocol = "s3" elif "amazon_s3" in output_config: bucket = output_config["amazon_s3"]["bucket"] prefix = output_config["amazon_s3"]["prefix"] protocol = "s3" elif "google_cloud_storage" in order: bucket = output_config["google_cloud_storage"]["bucket"] prefix = output_config["google_cloud_storage"]["prefix"] protocol = "gs" elif "azure_blob_storage" in order: bucket = output_config["azure_blob_storage"]["container"] prefix = output_config["azure_blob_storage"]["prefix"] protocol = "az" path = f"{protocol}://{bucket}/{prefix}/order_collections/{order.order_id}_root_collection.json" self = cls(path, **kwargs) return self
def clear_filesystem_cache(self)
Clear the local cache of a remote filesystem
Remote file systems (S3, Azure, Google Cloud) cache files locally for speed. If the remote files have changed while using an ARDCollectino, you can clear the cached files so that new files will be loaded.
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def clear_filesystem_cache(self): """ Clear the local cache of a remote filesystem Remote file systems (S3, Azure, Google Cloud) cache files locally for speed. If the remote files have changed while using an ARDCollectino, you can clear the cached files so that new files will be loaded. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.fs.clear_instance_cache()
def read_windows(self, *args, **kwargs)
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def read_windows(self, *args, **kwargs): """See `max_ard.processing.read_windows`""" return read_windows(self, *args, **kwargs)
def write_windows(self, *args, **kwargs)
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def write_windows(self, *args, **kwargs): """See `max_ard.processing.write_windows`""" return write_windows(self, *args, **kwargs)
Inherited members
class ARDTile
Represents an ARD Tile - the images and vectors from one acquistion in one grid cell
These objects have dynamic accessors for assets - calling the asset name (with underscores substituted for dashes) is the same as calling
returns a Rasterio dataset reader of thevisual
raster asset.Vector assets can also be accessed "inverted" by prefixing
to the asset name.Example:
will return the geometry of areas not covered by clouds.Expand source code
class ARDTile: """Represents an ARD Tile - the images and vectors from one acquistion in one grid cell These objects have dynamic accessors for assets - calling the asset name (with underscores substituted for dashes) is the same as calling `ARDTile.open_asset(<name>)`. Example: `ARDTile.visual` returns a Rasterio dataset reader of the `visual` raster asset. Vector assets can also be accessed "inverted" by prefixing `no_` to the asset name. Example: `ARDTile.no_cloud_mask` will return the geometry of areas *not* covered by clouds. """ # matching regexes # don't be a smartass and combine them # matches quadkeys CELL_REGEX = re.compile(r"[/-](\d{2})[-/]([0123]{12})[/-]") # matches regular catalog IDs CAT_ID_REGEX = re.compile(r"10[1-6][0AC][0-9A-F]{3}0[0-9A-F]{6}00", re.I) # matches WV4 catIDs (UUID v4) WV4_REGEX = re.compile( r"([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}-inv)", re.I ) # matches dates yyyy-mm-dd DATE_REGEX = re.compile(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}") def __init__(self) -> None: = None #: date of cell #: acquisition ID self.acq_id = None self.quadkey = None """ ARD Grid quadkey of the tile's cell """ = None """ UTM zone of the tile """ @property def properties(self) -> dict: """metadata of the ARD tile""" return self.stac_item["properties"] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: if name == "clouds": warnings.warn("clouds attribute should be accessed with ARDTile.cloud_mask") return self.open_asset("cloud-mask") elif name == "extent": warnings.warn("extent attribute should be accessed with ARDTile.data_mask") return self.open_asset("data-mask") elif name == "nodata": warnings.warn("clouds attribute should be accessed with ARDTile.no_data_mask") return shape(self.cell).difference(self.data_mask) elif name.startswith("no_"): asset_name = name.split("_", 1)[1].replace("_", "-") source = getattr(self, asset_name) try: source.area except: raise AttributeError( f"Attribute {name} is not spatial so it can't be flipped with 'no_'" ) if name == "no_data_mask": return box(*self.visual.bounds).difference(source) else: return self.data_mask.difference(source) else: # workaround for the analytic assets that are underscored already if name == "ms_analytic" or name == "pan_analytic": asset_name = name else: asset_name = name.replace("_", "-") if asset_name in self.asset_paths: return self.open_asset(asset_name) else: raise AttributeError(f"Attribute .{name} not found") @property @lru_cache() def cell(self) -> Cell: """The ARD Grid cell of the tile""" return Cell(self.quadkey, @classmethod def from_doc(cls, fs: AbstractFileSystem, path: str): """ Create an ARDTile object from a path to any of a tile's files. Parameters ---------- fs : fsspec.AbstractFileSystem a `filesystem` object used to read files. path : str a path to any file in a tile. Returns ------- ARDTile """ tile = cls() tile.fs = fs # zone and quadkey try: matches = = matches[1] tile.quadkey = matches[2] # cat ID matches = if matches is None: matches = tile.acq_id = matches[0] # date matches = = matches[0] except IndexError: # use index error to find when we can't match a needed field raise ValueError("Non-conforming data found, please contact") # prefixes for opening files with gdal/ogr if "s3" in tile.fs.protocol: tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsis3/" elif "gs" in tile.fs.protocol: tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsigs/" elif "abfs" in tile.fs.protocol: tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsiaz/" else: tile.gdal_prefix = "" # rebuild the path from properties # might be overkill base_prefix = path.split(f"/{}/{tile.quadkey}")[0] base_prefix = urljoin(base_prefix,, tile.quadkey) # legacy canvas if is not None: base_prefix = urljoin(base_prefix, else: warnings.warn( "Legacy Canvas file path without date - this will not be supported in the future" ) tile.base_prefix = base_prefix return tile @property @lru_cache() def stac_item(self) -> dict: item = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}.json" with as f: return json.load(f) class AssetPaths(dict): """A dictionary that warns when old asset names are called The names will get deprecated at some point""" def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "clouds": warnings.warn( 'The "clouds" asset has been renamed to "cloud-mask", please update your call' ) if key == "extent": warnings.warn( 'The "extent" asset has been renamed to "data-mask", please update your call' ) return dict.__getitem__(self, key) @property @lru_cache() def asset_paths(self) -> AssetPaths: # TODO set a way to specify this so we don't have to check the stac every time # given a homogenous dataset assets = ARDTile.AssetPaths() # Item isn't a true STAC asset but we treat it as an asset of the ARDTile # we could also treat this as "self" but that's not as clear assets["item"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}.json" # once STAC sample data is fixed, we can pull the assets from the Item # then we can add new assets without updating the SDK stac_assets = self.stac_item["assets"] # old non-relative links if stac_assets["visual"]["href"].startswith("s3://"): assets["visual"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-visual.tif" assets["pan"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-pan.tif" assets["ms"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-ms.tif" assets["cloud-mask"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-cloud-mask.gpkg" assets["data-mask"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-data-mask.gpkg" else: # use stac asset hrefs for name, asset in stac_assets.items(): if type(self.fs) == LocalFileSystem: assets[name] = str(Path(self.base_prefix) / Path(asset["href"])) else: assets[name] = str(PurePosixPath(self.base_prefix) / Path(asset["href"])) # legacy naming try: assets["clouds"] = assets["cloud-mask"] except KeyError: pass try: assets["extent"] = assets["data-mask"] except KeyError: pass return assets def __repr__(self): return f"<ARDTile of {self.acq_id} at z{}-{self.quadkey}>" # there's a small speed boost plus some cost savings with GETs by caching # asset fetching @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def open_asset(self, name): """ Open an asset by name, where `name` is a key in the STAC Item assets For information on the asset files see To open the tile STAC Item itself, use 'item'. Current values for ARD V3 are: STAC metadata: - item Vectors: - cloud-mask - cloud-shadow-mask - terrain-shadow-mask - ms-saturation-mask - data-mask Rasters: - visual - pan - ms - clouds - ms-saturation - terrain-shadows - water Vectors returned will be a single Shapely geometry object, a GeometryCollection of multiple objects, or if the mask is empty an empty GeometryCollection. Parameters ---------- name : str name of asset to open, see list above Returns ------- rasterio.DataSetReader for raster assets or shapely.geometry for vector assets or dict for STAC Items (JSON) """ asset = self.asset_paths[name] if asset.endswith("tif"): if not HAS_RASTERIO: raise MissingDependency("Rasterio is required to read ARD rasters") # return'{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}') return COGReader(f"{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}") if asset.endswith("geojson") or asset.endswith("gpkg"): if not HAS_FIONA: raise MissingDependency("Fiona is required to access ARD masks as geometries") with"{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}") as layer: geom = [shape(f["geometry"]) for f in layer] if len(geom) == 1: return geom[0] elif len(geom) == 0: return GeometryCollection() else: return GeometryCollection(geom) if asset.endswith("json"): with as f: return json.load(f) @property def __geo_interface__(self): """Python Geospatial Interface of tile's valid pixels""" return mapping(self.data_mask)
Class variables
var AssetPaths
A dictionary that warns when old asset names are called The names will get deprecated at some point
Static methods
def from_doc(fs: fsspec.spec.AbstractFileSystem, path: str)
Create an ARDTile object from a path to any of a tile's files.
- a
object used to read files. path
- a path to any file in a tile.
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_doc(cls, fs: AbstractFileSystem, path: str): """ Create an ARDTile object from a path to any of a tile's files. Parameters ---------- fs : fsspec.AbstractFileSystem a `filesystem` object used to read files. path : str a path to any file in a tile. Returns ------- ARDTile """ tile = cls() tile.fs = fs # zone and quadkey try: matches = = matches[1] tile.quadkey = matches[2] # cat ID matches = if matches is None: matches = tile.acq_id = matches[0] # date matches = = matches[0] except IndexError: # use index error to find when we can't match a needed field raise ValueError("Non-conforming data found, please contact") # prefixes for opening files with gdal/ogr if "s3" in tile.fs.protocol: tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsis3/" elif "gs" in tile.fs.protocol: tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsigs/" elif "abfs" in tile.fs.protocol: tile.gdal_prefix = f"/vsiaz/" else: tile.gdal_prefix = "" # rebuild the path from properties # might be overkill base_prefix = path.split(f"/{}/{tile.quadkey}")[0] base_prefix = urljoin(base_prefix,, tile.quadkey) # legacy canvas if is not None: base_prefix = urljoin(base_prefix, else: warnings.warn( "Legacy Canvas file path without date - this will not be supported in the future" ) tile.base_prefix = base_prefix return tile
Instance variables
var acq_id
acquisition ID
var asset_paths : ARDTile.AssetPaths
Expand source code
@property @lru_cache() def asset_paths(self) -> AssetPaths: # TODO set a way to specify this so we don't have to check the stac every time # given a homogenous dataset assets = ARDTile.AssetPaths() # Item isn't a true STAC asset but we treat it as an asset of the ARDTile # we could also treat this as "self" but that's not as clear assets["item"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}.json" # once STAC sample data is fixed, we can pull the assets from the Item # then we can add new assets without updating the SDK stac_assets = self.stac_item["assets"] # old non-relative links if stac_assets["visual"]["href"].startswith("s3://"): assets["visual"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-visual.tif" assets["pan"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-pan.tif" assets["ms"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-ms.tif" assets["cloud-mask"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-cloud-mask.gpkg" assets["data-mask"] = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}-data-mask.gpkg" else: # use stac asset hrefs for name, asset in stac_assets.items(): if type(self.fs) == LocalFileSystem: assets[name] = str(Path(self.base_prefix) / Path(asset["href"])) else: assets[name] = str(PurePosixPath(self.base_prefix) / Path(asset["href"])) # legacy naming try: assets["clouds"] = assets["cloud-mask"] except KeyError: pass try: assets["extent"] = assets["data-mask"] except KeyError: pass return assets
var cell : Cell
The ARD Grid cell of the tile
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@property @lru_cache() def cell(self) -> Cell: """The ARD Grid cell of the tile""" return Cell(self.quadkey,
var date
date of cell
var properties : dict
metadata of the ARD tile
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@property def properties(self) -> dict: """metadata of the ARD tile""" return self.stac_item["properties"]
var quadkey
ARD Grid quadkey of the tile's cell
var stac_item : dict
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@property @lru_cache() def stac_item(self) -> dict: item = f"{self.base_prefix}/{self.acq_id}.json" with as f: return json.load(f)
var zone
UTM zone of the tile
def open_asset(self, name)
Open an asset by name, where
is a key in the STAC Item assetsFor information on the asset files see
To open the tile STAC Item itself, use 'item'. Current values for ARD V3 are:
STAC metadata: - item
Vectors: - cloud-mask - cloud-shadow-mask - terrain-shadow-mask - ms-saturation-mask - data-mask
Rasters: - visual - pan - ms - clouds - ms-saturation - terrain-shadows - water
Vectors returned will be a single Shapely geometry object, a GeometryCollection of multiple objects, or if the mask is empty an empty GeometryCollection.
- name of asset to open, see list above
- for raster assets or
- for vector assets or
- for STAC Items (JSON)
Expand source code
@lru_cache(maxsize=16) def open_asset(self, name): """ Open an asset by name, where `name` is a key in the STAC Item assets For information on the asset files see To open the tile STAC Item itself, use 'item'. Current values for ARD V3 are: STAC metadata: - item Vectors: - cloud-mask - cloud-shadow-mask - terrain-shadow-mask - ms-saturation-mask - data-mask Rasters: - visual - pan - ms - clouds - ms-saturation - terrain-shadows - water Vectors returned will be a single Shapely geometry object, a GeometryCollection of multiple objects, or if the mask is empty an empty GeometryCollection. Parameters ---------- name : str name of asset to open, see list above Returns ------- rasterio.DataSetReader for raster assets or shapely.geometry for vector assets or dict for STAC Items (JSON) """ asset = self.asset_paths[name] if asset.endswith("tif"): if not HAS_RASTERIO: raise MissingDependency("Rasterio is required to read ARD rasters") # return'{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}') return COGReader(f"{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}") if asset.endswith("geojson") or asset.endswith("gpkg"): if not HAS_FIONA: raise MissingDependency("Fiona is required to access ARD masks as geometries") with"{self.gdal_prefix}{asset}") as layer: geom = [shape(f["geometry"]) for f in layer] if len(geom) == 1: return geom[0] elif len(geom) == 0: return GeometryCollection() else: return GeometryCollection(geom) if asset.endswith("json"): with as f: return json.load(f)