Module max_ard.order
Place ARD Orders
- Place an ARD order
- Test an ARD order with "dry-run" mode
- Check order status
Ordering API overview
SDK Ordering Tutorial
API request and response examples
>>> from max_ard import Order
>>> order = Order(destination='my_bucket/my_ard_tiles', select_id=<Select ID>)
>>> order.add_email_notification('')
>>> order.submit()
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"""Place ARD Orders
1. Place an ARD order
2. Test an ARD order with "dry-run" mode
3. Check order status
Ordering API overview
SDK Ordering Tutorial
API request and response examples
>>> from max_ard import Order
>>> order = Order(destination='my_bucket/my_ard_tiles', select_id=<Select ID>)
>>> order.add_email_notification('')
>>> order.submit()
import base64
import json
import warnings
from typing import List, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
from max_ard.base_collections import (
from max_ard.exceptions import ARDServerException, BadARDRequest, NotSubmitted
from import convert_to_shapely
from max_ard.session import ard_url, get_user_session, paginated_response
__all__ = ("Order",)
# Models
class Acquisition(BaseModel):
id: str
cells: List[str] = []
class Config:
validate_assignment = True
class Output_Config(BaseModel):
bucket: str
prefix: str
role_arn: str = None
class Config:
validate_assignment = True
class S3_Config(BaseModel):
sas_url: str = None
bucket: str
prefix: str
class Config:
validate_assignment = True
extra: "forbid"
class GCS_Config(BaseModel):
service_credentials: str = None
credentials_id: str = None
bucket: str
prefix: str
class Config:
validate_assignment = True
extra: "forbid"
class AZ_Config(BaseModel):
sas_url: str = None
credentials_id: str = None
container: str
prefix: str
class Config:
validate_assignment = True
extra: "forbid"
class OrderRequest(ARDModel):
acquisitions: List[Acquisition] = None
select_id: str = None
dry_run: bool = False
# filter
intersects: str = None
bbox: List = None
# destination
output_config: dict = None
settings: dict = {}
notifications: List[Union[EmailNotification, SNSNotification]] = []
metadata: dict = {}
class Config:
extra = "allow"
validate_assignment = True
class OrderUsage(BaseModel):
area: UsageArea = None
cost: UsageCost = None
class OrderDetails(BaseModel):
usage: OrderUsage = None
class Config:
extra = "allow"
class OrderResponse(BaseModel):
id: str
status: str
status_message: str = None
order: OrderDetails = None
class Config:
extra = "allow"
validate_assignment = True
# Classes
class Order(Submitted):
"""An ARD API Order object
acquisitions : iterable of str or dict, optional
An iterable of acquisitions to order, see Notes
select_id : str
A Select ID to order, see Notes
For S3 locations only, a path to storage location such as s3://my-bucket/my-prefix
If not using `destination`, an output configuration dictionary, see API documentation for examples
intersects : Geometry-like objects, str (optional))
Geometry to intersect, can be most geometry or spatial objects, or a path (see Notes)
bbox : interable of numeric, optional
Like `intersects`, a bounding box in WGS84 coordinates, [XMIN YMIN XMAX YMAX]
role_arn : str, optional
A trusted Role ARN for the writer to assume so it can write tiles.
This is not used if the s3 bucket policy allows writing tiles to the bucket.
dry_run : bool, optional
When true, runs pre-order checks to check if order is valid but does not generate imagery
bba : bool, optional
When true, Block Bundle Adjustment will be applied to the order.
metadata : dict, optional
User-supplied metadata
settings : dict, optional
Dictionary of settings to override outputs, see Notes
session : session object, optional
A user_session or application_session object
session : session object or None
A user_session or application_session object
dry_run : bool
as above
submitted : bool
True if Select has been submitted via `max_ard.order.Order.submit`
request : Pydantic model
Parameters are loaded into a Pydantic model of the HTTP API request
response : Pydantic model
Pydantic model of the server response to API call. Status and submit calls
return the same payload.
An order must specify `acquisitions` or `select_id`.
If ordering by select ID, do not include acquisition IDs or an AOI in the order request.
Acquisitions can be a list of acqusitions IDs, or a a list of dictionaries, with the keys
`id` and `cells`. If no cells are specified, it is assumed all cells are wanted
(subject to clipping by an AOI or BBOX):
"id": "103001007B478000",
"cells": ["Z17-031313123113", "Z17-031313123112"]
"id": "103001009E8C7C00",
"cells": ["Z17-031313123113"]
"id": "103001009E8G3C90"
Intersects inputs:
Geometry objects: Shapely shapes, objects supporting __geo_interface__, geojson-like dicts,
geojson and wkt strings
Geometry iterables: iterables of above, Fiona readers
File paths: most spatial file formats. WKT and Geojson supported with base install, other formats
require Fiona for reading
Settings dictionary defaults:
You can override one or more of the following values:
"bundle_adjust": false,
"cloud_mask": true,
"data_mask": true,
"healthy_vegetation_mask": true,
"ms_analytic": true,
"ms_saturation_mask": true,
"pan_analytic": true,
"pan_flare_mask": true,
"terrain_shadow_mask": true,
"visual": true,
"water_mask": true
def __init__(
self.session = session or get_user_session()
# check booleans aren't strings
if type(dry_run) is not bool:
raise ValueError(f"Parameter `dry_run` needs to be a boolean, not {type(dry_run)}")
if type(bba) is not bool:
raise ValueError(f"Parameter `bba` needs to be a boolean, not {type(bba)}")
# bba to be moved to `settings` instead of top level param
if "bundle_adjust" not in settings:
settings["bundle_adjust"] = bba
# set up the output config
if destination is not None:
destination = destination.replace("s3://", "")
parts = destination.split("/", 1)
bucket = parts[0]
prefix = parts[1]
except IndexError:
prefix = ""
# old style output config
destination = {"bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "role_arn": role_arn}
output_config = self._validate_output({"destination": destination})
if output_config is not None:
output_config = self._validate_output(output_config)
# set up acquisitions
if type(acquisitions) == str:
acquisitions = [Acquisition(id=acquisitions)]
elif type(acquisitions) == list or type(acquisitions) == tuple:
if len(acquisitions) > 0:
if type(acquisitions[0]) == str:
acquisitions = [Acquisition(id=v) for v in acquisitions]
elif type(acquisitions) == dict:
acquisitions = [Acquisition(id=k, cells=v) for k, v in acquisitions.items()]
elif isinstance(acquisitions, BaseCollection):
acquisitions = [Acquisition(**acq) for acq in acquisitions.as_order()]
# if the intersects is a Shapely geom, convert it to wkt
if intersects is not None:
intersects = convert_to_shapely(intersects).wkt
self.request = OrderRequest(
self.dry_run = dry_run
self.response = None
def _validate_output(self, output_config):
platforms = {
"azure_blob_storage": AZ_Config,
"google_cloud_storage": GCS_Config,
"amazon_s3": S3_Config,
"destination": Output_Config,
platform = list(output_config.keys())[0]
config_model = platforms.get(platform, None)
if config_model is None:
raise ValueError(
"Output config format not recognized, please see documentation for examples"
params = output_config[platform].copy()
# validation on object creation
config_obj = config_model(**params)
params = {k: v for k, v in config_obj.dict().items() if v is not None}
# convert credential files to b64 encoding
if platform == "google_cloud_storage":
if "credentials_id" not in params:
location = params["service_credentials"]
with open(location, "rb") as binary_file:
encoded = base64.b64encode(
params["service_credentials"] = encoded.decode("ascii")
except (FileNotFoundError, OSError):
creds = base64.b64decode(location)
assert "type" in json.loads(creds)
raise ValueError(
"GCS service credentials should be either a Base64-encoded string"
+ " of the JSON credentials file contents or a path to the JSON credentials file"
if "service_credentials" in params:
c_id = params["credentials_id"]
"Both a stored credential ID and service credential argument were provided. "
+ f'The store credential ID "{c_id}" will be used'
del params["service_credentials"]
if platform != "destination":
return {platform: params}
return params
def add_email_notification(self, address):
"""Add an email notification to the order
address : str
Email address to receive order notifications"""
def add_sns_notification(self, topic_arn):
"""Add an AWS SNS notification topic to receive order notifications
topic_arn : str
AWS SNS topic ARN to recieve order notifications"""
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Order {self.order_id} ({self.status})>"
except NotSubmitted:
return "<Order (Not submitted)>"
def submitted(self):
if self.response:
return is not None
return False
def finished(self):
"""The Order finished processing but may have failed"""
return self.status != "RUNNING"
def running(self):
"""The Order is running"""
return self.status == "RUNNING"
def succeeded(self):
"""The Order has finished running and has succeeded"""
return self.status == "SUCCEEDED"
def usage(self):
if self.response.order is None:
# just submitted, refresh the order status
response = self.get_order(self.order_id)
self.response = OrderResponse(**response)
return self.response.order.usage
def failed(self):
"""The Order has finished running but failed"""
return self.status in ["FAILED", "ERROR"]
def order_id(self):
"""The Order ID"""
def status(self):
"""State of the order process: 'RUNNING', 'SUCCEEDED, or 'FAILED'"""
if self.response.status == "RUNNING":
response = self.get_order(self.order_id)
self.response = OrderResponse(**response)
return self.response.status
def state(self):
"""Legacy version of `status`, will be deprecated in the future"""
return self.status
def from_id(cls, order_id, session=None):
"""Create a Order object from an ID
order_id: str
Order ID to hydrate into a Order object
session : Session object, optional
Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
response = cls.get_order(order_id, session)
instance = cls()
instance.response = OrderResponse(**response)
return instance
def list_orders(
"""Fetch user's orders
limit: int or None, default None
maximum number of orders to fetch, None (default) means unlimited
starting_after: str
the order_id after which further responses will be returned, paging forward
ending_before: str
the order_id before which further responses will be returned, paging backwards
start_date: str
starting date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD
start_date: str
ending date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD
filter: str
filter results that match values contained in the given key separated by a colon.
Example: 'metadata.downstream_customer_id:abdc-534-b4dc47'
session: Session object, optional
Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
Order objects matching parameters"""
session = session or get_user_session()
params = {
"starting_after": starting_after,
"ending_before": ending_before,
"start_date": start_date,
"end_date": end_date,
if filter is not None:
params["filter"] = filter
key = lambda order: order["id"]
responses = paginated_response(session, ard_url("order"), key, limit, **params)
return hydrate_with_responses(Order, OrderResponse, responses, session=session)
def get_order(cls, order_id, session=None):
"""Fetch raw data about an Order from an ID
order_id : str
Order ID to fetch metadata for
session: Session object, optional
Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
API data for the given Order"""
if not session:
session = get_user_session()
r = session.get(ard_url("order", "status", order_id))
return r.json()
def send_order(cls, payload, session=None):
"""Send a request to the Order API
payload : dict
Order API request payload
session : Session object, optional
Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
API response data for the given Order"""
if not session:
session = get_user_session()
r ="order"), json=payload)
return r.json()
def submit(self):
"""Submit this Order to the API"""
response = self.send_order(self.request.to_payload(), session=self.session)
if self.submitted:
warnings.warn("The Order has already been submitted")
if self.dry_run:
self.response = OrderResponse(
id="dry run",
order={"usage": response["usage"]},
status_message="Order dry-run validation successful.",
self.response = OrderResponse(
id=response["id"], status="RUNNING", status_message="Order submitted and running."
class Order (acquisitions=None, select_id=None, destination=None, output_config=None, settings={}, intersects=None, bbox=None, role_arn=None, dry_run=False, bba=False, metadata={}, session=None)
An ARD API Order object
, optional- An iterable of acquisitions to order, see Notes
- A Select ID to order, see Notes
- destination:
- For S3 locations only, a path to storage location such as s3://my-bucket/my-prefix
- output_config:
- If not using
, an output configuration dictionary, see API documentation for examples intersects
:Geometry-like objects, str (optional))
- Geometry to intersect, can be most geometry or spatial objects, or a path (see Notes)
, optional- Like
, a bounding box in WGS84 coordinates, [XMIN YMIN XMAX YMAX] role_arn
, optional- A trusted Role ARN for the writer to assume so it can write tiles. This is not used if the s3 bucket policy allows writing tiles to the bucket.
, optional- When true, runs pre-order checks to check if order is valid but does not generate imagery
, optional- When true, Block Bundle Adjustment will be applied to the order.
, optional- User-supplied metadata
, optional- Dictionary of settings to override outputs, see Notes
:session object
, optional- A user_session or application_session object
:session object
- A user_session or application_session object
- as above
- True if Select has been submitted via
:Pydantic model
- Parameters are loaded into a Pydantic model of the HTTP API request
:Pydantic model
- Pydantic model of the server response to API call. Status and submit calls return the same payload.
An order must specify
.If ordering by select ID, do not include acquisition IDs or an AOI in the order request.
Acquisitions can be a list of acqusitions IDs, or a a list of dictionaries, with the keys
. If no cells are specified, it is assumed all cells are wanted (subject to clipping by an AOI or BBOX):acquisitions=["103001009E8G3C90"]
acquisitions=[ { "id": "103001007B478000", "cells": ["Z17-031313123113", "Z17-031313123112"] }, { "id": "103001009E8C7C00", "cells": ["Z17-031313123113"] }, { "id": "103001009E8G3C90" } ]
Intersects inputs: Geometry objects: Shapely shapes, objects supporting geo_interface, geojson-like dicts, geojson and wkt strings Geometry iterables: iterables of above, Fiona readers File paths: most spatial file formats. WKT and Geojson supported with base install, other formats require Fiona for reading
Settings dictionary defaults: You can override one or more of the following values:
{ "bundle_adjust": false, "cloud_mask": true, "data_mask": true, "healthy_vegetation_mask": true, "ms_analytic": true, "ms_saturation_mask": true, "pan_analytic": true, "pan_flare_mask": true, "terrain_shadow_mask": true, "visual": true, "water_mask": true }
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class Order(Submitted): """An ARD API Order object Parameters ---------- acquisitions : iterable of str or dict, optional An iterable of acquisitions to order, see Notes select_id : str A Select ID to order, see Notes destination: For S3 locations only, a path to storage location such as s3://my-bucket/my-prefix output_config: If not using `destination`, an output configuration dictionary, see API documentation for examples intersects : Geometry-like objects, str (optional)) Geometry to intersect, can be most geometry or spatial objects, or a path (see Notes) bbox : interable of numeric, optional Like `intersects`, a bounding box in WGS84 coordinates, [XMIN YMIN XMAX YMAX] role_arn : str, optional A trusted Role ARN for the writer to assume so it can write tiles. This is not used if the s3 bucket policy allows writing tiles to the bucket. dry_run : bool, optional When true, runs pre-order checks to check if order is valid but does not generate imagery bba : bool, optional When true, Block Bundle Adjustment will be applied to the order. metadata : dict, optional User-supplied metadata settings : dict, optional Dictionary of settings to override outputs, see Notes session : session object, optional A user_session or application_session object Attributes ---------- session : session object or None A user_session or application_session object dry_run : bool as above submitted : bool True if Select has been submitted via `max_ard.order.Order.submit` request : Pydantic model Parameters are loaded into a Pydantic model of the HTTP API request response : Pydantic model Pydantic model of the server response to API call. Status and submit calls return the same payload. Notes ----- An order must specify `acquisitions` or `select_id`. If ordering by select ID, do not include acquisition IDs or an AOI in the order request. Acquisitions can be a list of acqusitions IDs, or a a list of dictionaries, with the keys `id` and `cells`. If no cells are specified, it is assumed all cells are wanted (subject to clipping by an AOI or BBOX): acquisitions=["103001009E8G3C90"] or acquisitions=[ { "id": "103001007B478000", "cells": ["Z17-031313123113", "Z17-031313123112"] }, { "id": "103001009E8C7C00", "cells": ["Z17-031313123113"] }, { "id": "103001009E8G3C90" } ] Intersects inputs: Geometry objects: Shapely shapes, objects supporting __geo_interface__, geojson-like dicts, geojson and wkt strings Geometry iterables: iterables of above, Fiona readers File paths: most spatial file formats. WKT and Geojson supported with base install, other formats require Fiona for reading Settings dictionary defaults: You can override one or more of the following values: { "bundle_adjust": false, "cloud_mask": true, "data_mask": true, "healthy_vegetation_mask": true, "ms_analytic": true, "ms_saturation_mask": true, "pan_analytic": true, "pan_flare_mask": true, "terrain_shadow_mask": true, "visual": true, "water_mask": true }""" def __init__( self, acquisitions=None, select_id=None, destination=None, output_config=None, settings={}, intersects=None, bbox=None, role_arn=None, dry_run=False, bba=False, metadata={}, session=None, ): self.session = session or get_user_session() # check booleans aren't strings if type(dry_run) is not bool: raise ValueError(f"Parameter `dry_run` needs to be a boolean, not {type(dry_run)}") if type(bba) is not bool: raise ValueError(f"Parameter `bba` needs to be a boolean, not {type(bba)}") # bba to be moved to `settings` instead of top level param if "bundle_adjust" not in settings: settings["bundle_adjust"] = bba # set up the output config if destination is not None: destination = destination.replace("s3://", "") parts = destination.split("/", 1) bucket = parts[0] try: prefix = parts[1] except IndexError: prefix = "" # old style output config destination = {"bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "role_arn": role_arn} output_config = self._validate_output({"destination": destination}) else: if output_config is not None: output_config = self._validate_output(output_config) # set up acquisitions if type(acquisitions) == str: acquisitions = [Acquisition(id=acquisitions)] elif type(acquisitions) == list or type(acquisitions) == tuple: if len(acquisitions) > 0: if type(acquisitions[0]) == str: acquisitions = [Acquisition(id=v) for v in acquisitions] elif type(acquisitions) == dict: acquisitions = [Acquisition(id=k, cells=v) for k, v in acquisitions.items()] elif isinstance(acquisitions, BaseCollection): acquisitions = [Acquisition(**acq) for acq in acquisitions.as_order()] # if the intersects is a Shapely geom, convert it to wkt if intersects is not None: intersects = convert_to_shapely(intersects).wkt self.request = OrderRequest( acquisitions=acquisitions, select_id=select_id, intersects=intersects, bbox=bbox, output_config=output_config, settings=settings, dry_run=dry_run, metadata=metadata, ) self.dry_run = dry_run self.response = None def _validate_output(self, output_config): platforms = { "azure_blob_storage": AZ_Config, "google_cloud_storage": GCS_Config, "amazon_s3": S3_Config, "destination": Output_Config, } platform = list(output_config.keys())[0] config_model = platforms.get(platform, None) if config_model is None: raise ValueError( "Output config format not recognized, please see documentation for examples" ) params = output_config[platform].copy() # validation on object creation config_obj = config_model(**params) params = {k: v for k, v in config_obj.dict().items() if v is not None} # convert credential files to b64 encoding if platform == "google_cloud_storage": if "credentials_id" not in params: location = params["service_credentials"] try: with open(location, "rb") as binary_file: encoded = base64.b64encode( params["service_credentials"] = encoded.decode("ascii") except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): try: creds = base64.b64decode(location) assert "type" in json.loads(creds) except: raise ValueError( "GCS service credentials should be either a Base64-encoded string" + " of the JSON credentials file contents or a path to the JSON credentials file" ) else: if "service_credentials" in params: c_id = params["credentials_id"] warnings.warn( "Both a stored credential ID and service credential argument were provided. " + f'The store credential ID "{c_id}" will be used' ) del params["service_credentials"] if platform != "destination": return {platform: params} else: return params def add_email_notification(self, address): """Add an email notification to the order Parameters ---------- address : str Email address to receive order notifications""" self.request.notifications.append(EmailNotification(address=address)) def add_sns_notification(self, topic_arn): """Add an AWS SNS notification topic to receive order notifications Parameters ---------- topic_arn : str AWS SNS topic ARN to recieve order notifications""" self.request.notifications.append(SNSNotification(topic_arn=topic_arn)) def __repr__(self): try: return f"<Order {self.order_id} ({self.status})>" except NotSubmitted: return "<Order (Not submitted)>" @property def submitted(self): if self.response: return is not None else: return False @property @Submitted.required def finished(self): """The Order finished processing but may have failed""" return self.status != "RUNNING" @property @Submitted.required def running(self): """The Order is running""" return self.status == "RUNNING" @property @Submitted.required def succeeded(self): """The Order has finished running and has succeeded""" return self.status == "SUCCEEDED" @property @Submitted.required def usage(self): if self.response.order is None: # just submitted, refresh the order status response = self.get_order(self.order_id) self.response = OrderResponse(**response) return self.response.order.usage @property @Submitted.required def failed(self): """The Order has finished running but failed""" return self.status in ["FAILED", "ERROR"] @property @Submitted.required def order_id(self): """The Order ID""" return @property @Submitted.required def status(self): """State of the order process: 'RUNNING', 'SUCCEEDED, or 'FAILED'""" if self.response.status == "RUNNING": response = self.get_order(self.order_id) self.response = OrderResponse(**response) return self.response.status @property def state(self): """Legacy version of `status`, will be deprecated in the future""" return self.status @classmethod def from_id(cls, order_id, session=None): """Create a Order object from an ID Parameters ---------- order_id: str Order ID to hydrate into a Order object session : Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- Order""" response = cls.get_order(order_id, session) instance = cls() instance.response = OrderResponse(**response) return instance @classmethod def list_orders( cls, limit=None, starting_after="", ending_before="", start_date="", end_date="", filter=None, session=None, ): """Fetch user's orders Parameters ---------- limit: int or None, default None maximum number of orders to fetch, None (default) means unlimited starting_after: str the order_id after which further responses will be returned, paging forward ending_before: str the order_id before which further responses will be returned, paging backwards start_date: str starting date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD start_date: str ending date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD filter: str filter results that match values contained in the given key separated by a colon. Example: 'metadata.downstream_customer_id:abdc-534-b4dc47' session: Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- list Order objects matching parameters""" session = session or get_user_session() params = { "starting_after": starting_after, "ending_before": ending_before, "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, } if filter is not None: params["filter"] = filter key = lambda order: order["id"] responses = paginated_response(session, ard_url("order"), key, limit, **params) return hydrate_with_responses(Order, OrderResponse, responses, session=session) @classmethod def get_order(cls, order_id, session=None): """Fetch raw data about an Order from an ID Parameters ---------- order_id : str Order ID to fetch metadata for session: Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- dict API data for the given Order""" if not session: session = get_user_session() r = session.get(ard_url("order", "status", order_id)) return r.json() @classmethod def send_order(cls, payload, session=None): """Send a request to the Order API Parameters ---------- payload : dict Order API request payload session : Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- dict API response data for the given Order""" if not session: session = get_user_session() r ="order"), json=payload) return r.json() def submit(self): """Submit this Order to the API""" response = self.send_order(self.request.to_payload(), session=self.session) if self.submitted: warnings.warn("The Order has already been submitted") return if self.dry_run: self.response = OrderResponse( id="dry run", status="SUCCEEDED", order={"usage": response["usage"]}, status_message="Order dry-run validation successful.", ) else: self.response = OrderResponse( id=response["id"], status="RUNNING", status_message="Order submitted and running." )
- Submitted
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_id(order_id, session=None)
Create a Order object from an ID
- Order ID to hydrate into a Order object
:Session object
, optional- Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
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@classmethod def from_id(cls, order_id, session=None): """Create a Order object from an ID Parameters ---------- order_id: str Order ID to hydrate into a Order object session : Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- Order""" response = cls.get_order(order_id, session) instance = cls() instance.response = OrderResponse(**response) return instance
def get_order(order_id, session=None)
Fetch raw data about an Order from an ID
- Order ID to fetch metadata for
:Session object
, optional- Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
- API data for the given Order
Expand source code
@classmethod def get_order(cls, order_id, session=None): """Fetch raw data about an Order from an ID Parameters ---------- order_id : str Order ID to fetch metadata for session: Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- dict API data for the given Order""" if not session: session = get_user_session() r = session.get(ard_url("order", "status", order_id)) return r.json()
def list_orders(limit=None, starting_after='', ending_before='', start_date='', end_date='', filter=None, session=None)
Fetch user's orders
, defaultNone
- maximum number of orders to fetch, None (default) means unlimited
- the order_id after which further responses will be returned, paging forward
- the order_id before which further responses will be returned, paging backwards
- starting date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD
- ending date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD
- filter results that match values contained in the given key separated by a colon. Example: 'metadata.downstream_customer_id:abdc-534-b4dc47'
:Session object
, optional- Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
- Order objects matching parameters
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@classmethod def list_orders( cls, limit=None, starting_after="", ending_before="", start_date="", end_date="", filter=None, session=None, ): """Fetch user's orders Parameters ---------- limit: int or None, default None maximum number of orders to fetch, None (default) means unlimited starting_after: str the order_id after which further responses will be returned, paging forward ending_before: str the order_id before which further responses will be returned, paging backwards start_date: str starting date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD start_date: str ending date to filter, ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD filter: str filter results that match values contained in the given key separated by a colon. Example: 'metadata.downstream_customer_id:abdc-534-b4dc47' session: Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- list Order objects matching parameters""" session = session or get_user_session() params = { "starting_after": starting_after, "ending_before": ending_before, "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, } if filter is not None: params["filter"] = filter key = lambda order: order["id"] responses = paginated_response(session, ard_url("order"), key, limit, **params) return hydrate_with_responses(Order, OrderResponse, responses, session=session)
def send_order(payload, session=None)
Send a request to the Order API
- Order API request payload
:Session object
, optional- Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session()
- API response data for the given Order
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@classmethod def send_order(cls, payload, session=None): """Send a request to the Order API Parameters ---------- payload : dict Order API request payload session : Session object, optional Authenticated session, such as from get_client_session() Returns ------- dict API response data for the given Order""" if not session: session = get_user_session() r ="order"), json=payload) return r.json()
Instance variables
var failed
The Order has finished running but failed
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@property @Submitted.required def failed(self): """The Order has finished running but failed""" return self.status in ["FAILED", "ERROR"]
var finished
The Order finished processing but may have failed
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@property @Submitted.required def finished(self): """The Order finished processing but may have failed""" return self.status != "RUNNING"
var order_id
The Order ID
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@property @Submitted.required def order_id(self): """The Order ID""" return
var running
The Order is running
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@property @Submitted.required def running(self): """The Order is running""" return self.status == "RUNNING"
var state
Legacy version of
, will be deprecated in the futureExpand source code
@property def state(self): """Legacy version of `status`, will be deprecated in the future""" return self.status
var status
State of the order process: 'RUNNING', 'SUCCEEDED, or 'FAILED'
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@property @Submitted.required def status(self): """State of the order process: 'RUNNING', 'SUCCEEDED, or 'FAILED'""" if self.response.status == "RUNNING": response = self.get_order(self.order_id) self.response = OrderResponse(**response) return self.response.status
var submitted
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@property def submitted(self): if self.response: return is not None else: return False
var succeeded
The Order has finished running and has succeeded
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@property @Submitted.required def succeeded(self): """The Order has finished running and has succeeded""" return self.status == "SUCCEEDED"
var usage
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@property @Submitted.required def usage(self): if self.response.order is None: # just submitted, refresh the order status response = self.get_order(self.order_id) self.response = OrderResponse(**response) return self.response.order.usage
def add_email_notification(self, address)
Add an email notification to the order
- Email address to receive order notifications
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def add_email_notification(self, address): """Add an email notification to the order Parameters ---------- address : str Email address to receive order notifications""" self.request.notifications.append(EmailNotification(address=address))
def add_sns_notification(self, topic_arn)
Add an AWS SNS notification topic to receive order notifications
- AWS SNS topic ARN to recieve order notifications
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def add_sns_notification(self, topic_arn): """Add an AWS SNS notification topic to receive order notifications Parameters ---------- topic_arn : str AWS SNS topic ARN to recieve order notifications""" self.request.notifications.append(SNSNotification(topic_arn=topic_arn))
def submit(self)
Submit this Order to the API
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def submit(self): """Submit this Order to the API""" response = self.send_order(self.request.to_payload(), session=self.session) if self.submitted: warnings.warn("The Order has already been submitted") return if self.dry_run: self.response = OrderResponse( id="dry run", status="SUCCEEDED", order={"usage": response["usage"]}, status_message="Order dry-run validation successful.", ) else: self.response = OrderResponse( id=response["id"], status="RUNNING", status_message="Order submitted and running." )